Published onNovember 3, 2021Freeze and Clawback Addresses for Algorand Standard AssetsAlgorandNFTsGenerally you don't want to set a freeze or clawback address on the Algorand NFTs you create and want to sell.Read more →
Published onOctober 24, 2021Algorand, NFTs, and GamesAlgorandNFTsI've been looking into and trying to wrap my head around blockchains, smart contracts, and NFTs and how they work from a developer's viewpoint.Read more →
Published onOctober 6, 2021List of possible allowed Gutenberg Blocks for WordPressWordPressPHPGutenbergHelpful snippet that shows all of the allowed blocks that you can use. Removing items from this list will hide them in the Gutenberg editor.Read more →
Published onSeptember 24, 2021Render Dynamic Element Tags in ReactReactBrief explanation of how to render dynamic element tags in ReactRead more →
Published onSeptember 10, 2021How to query a Firestore collection for documents added todayFirebaseFirestoreQuery all documents in a Firestore collection that were added todayRead more →